Monday, November 22, 2010

Letter to my MC

Dear Ginger,

I wish I knew you better. I feel confident that you are a great girl but every time I feel like I’m getting a handle on your character, you come out with something totally different. I know what you want. I know what obstacles you face. I’m just not entirely sure how you go about dealing with them. Would you mind cluing me in? This could be a really mutually beneficial relationship you know.

I do enjoy your sense of humor; I wish you would allow it to shine through more often. That is one of my goals for you. I also appreciate your vivid imagination and daydreams. You are a smart kid and have a lot of potential. Please get in touch with me soon so I can get a clear vision of exactly who you are, it would save us both a lot of time and frustration.

Warmest regards,



Kaitlin Heckert said...

Listen to your heart Charlotte. That's what I always do.

Renee Collins said...

Ah, this sounds familiar. :) These pesky characters. When will they ever learn to behave?

Bombshell Char said...

Kait--your heart has always sung louder than mine. Especially at the dinner table.