Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Writer's Block and Peanut Butter Cookies

Why am I having such a tough time writing?

I mean on my novel?

Yesterday I was severely struggling, so you know what I did? I left the computer and I made Oatmeal Peanut Butter Cookies. (Only a half recipe because moi am on a diet. HA!)

I made cookies because there are instructions. You know, step by step guidelines that when followed, result in the creation of something divine. (Actually, I personally regard all recipes as mere suggested guidelines rather than directions I must follow. I reserve the right to experiment and substitute ingredients at any point in the process. But still, the suggestions and rules of baking are all there for me to obey or disregard as I so choose.)

The point is, it is easier (for me) to bake than to write. Sometimes.

But now I have a platter full of Oatmeal Peanut Butter Cookies in the kitchen and four cookies in my belly and there is still not much going on on the page.

Did I say four cookies??

At least I went on my run this morning; and let me tell you, two miles may not sound like a lot, but when you factor in that I'm running behind the combined weight of a 15 lbs jogger stroller and a 22 lbs toddler-with toys, I'm taking on some pretty killer hills and in heat conditions that only those who know Manhattan in July can fully appreciate, two miles feels like ten.

I'm a blinkin' superhero. A superhero who is stuck on her novel.

I need another cookie.

Want the recipe? Remember, they're only loose guidelines.


Marianne said...

Have you outlined your story? I've decided that's going to have to be the key for me...I need a detailed outline so that sitting down to write isn't a chore. Like in college when you wrote an outline for a paper, then you could BS your way through the whole thing quite easily. :)

Renee Collins said...

haha, oh I know the feeling.

Dr. Pepper is my poison. I usually justify it by saying that I need the sugar to get the blood flowing to my brain. Crackpot science, I know, but it works for me. :)