Saturday, February 6, 2010

Superwonder Mama

So guess who went running this morning? That would be me--and a lot of other people, incidentally. The BYU field house track is alarmingly crowded at 9:00 on Saturday mornings.

But the point is I went. And I ran. Most of the time. Amelia, BOB and I were racing around that track at the speed of, well something not very fast, but we were doing it. That's how I started out my day as a Superwonder Mama.

Then I came home and the babe actually took a nap so I could get showered, and THEN I finished the Visiting Teaching list for February. It probably should have been done a week ago, but I got it done before the first Sunday of the month, and that is a feat, let me tell you.

I got some housework done, mailed off the bills, ate nutritious, low calorie meals, and did the grocery shopping without overspending and buying stuff that wasn't on my list. I played with and read books to my baby and then worked on Amelia's baby book.

And I made dinner tonight for a sister in my ward who is sick. I even delivered it on time.

That is when I decided I must have some sort of super powers. If I had written a letter to my congressman and spent a hour indexing names I could have run for Perfect Mormon Mom of the year.

I decided that I better write all this down because I don't think I've ever been this productive on a Saturday in my life, and realistically, it isn't likely to happen again. So if this sounds extremely bragful, don't worry. I lack the organization skills and the motivation to keep this kind of life up for more than 24 hours. Next Saturday will undoubtedly find me sleeping in and wondering where I left keys and cell phone. Again.

1 comment:

Kaitlin Heckert said...

You go Charly warly! Amelia must be so proud!