Friday, February 20, 2009

What I've Learned from Five Days of Motherhood

1. Newborns sleep a lot. Except at night. New moms don't really sleep at all.
2. Baby clothes that are size 0-3 months do not fit newborns.
3. Middle-aged female neighbors whom you've never met before bake you treats--so they can come over and hold your baby.
4. Your belly doesn't go away after delivery, in fact I still look five months pregnant.
5. New moms leak. Enough said.
6. New moms cry for no apparent reason. I've found that exercise and sunshine helps this, and Amelia seems to like walks in the park in her tummy pack carrier (or rather, she sleeps through the whole thing).
7. No matter what anyone says, newborns can and do smile.

1 comment:

irishkaren said...

Love it!! Couldn't help but notice the "purple tube" in the background of one of the photos, another thing you've learned - a new mum essential lol.