Monday, August 9, 2010

Naked on Broadway

My sister and her baby girl came to visit for a week (thus explaining my cyber-silence, as well as the new look to the blog--hope you enjoy). I had so much fun taking photos of my niece, one because she's pretty darn cute, and two because she actually looks at and smiles for the camera. My own little bundle can't be bothered with such things very often. Here are a few of my favorite images from the last week:

And finally, my favorite pic I took all week, and quite possibly ever:

This was a stroke of genius; we were on Broadway sitting on a bench and taking in the beautiful madness that is downtown NYC when Caroline needed a change. As my sister was changing her I decided it was too perfect of an opportunity to get naked baby photos interacting with New York. All the passers by seemed to agree; she drew quite a crowd before we were through with her. Now Caroline will always be able to tell people she's been photographed nude on Broadway. Shocking!


Lesley said...

I'm not seeing any pictures! It might just be my computer... but now I am so curious to see them!

The Paterson Family said...

me pics avaliable :( Sad times :)