Friday, January 23, 2009

Stalling . . .

I'm working right now--or rather I'm avoiding working right now because I'm supposed to be writing a webpage for yet another used car dealership and they are getting a bit brain numbing. Honestly, you’d think the car dealerships would realize that no amount of online advertising is going to save their businesses when the national economy is bottoming out, and stop making me write new websites for them.

In all fairness though, I have had some rather interesting clients come through my inbox lately. The other day I wrote web pages for a couple of “massage parlors” in California that seem like pretty thinly veiled fronts for prostitution rings. I mean, they didn’t want to mention anything about being professional massage therapists, or being licensed or the health benefits of massage. The marketing angle they wanted to push was an invitation for “gentlemen to come spend some time with the most attractive Asian staff in Orange County.” Sounds just a bit dodgy to me. I emailed our BizDev guy and asked him “don’t we have policies against marketing for this kind of “business?” But he said that since they are claiming to be a massage parlor, we treat them as a massage parlor and do it anyway. So I did. Sigh. I hope I don’t burn for that.

Another eyebrow raiser came in yesterday. A military operations company is advertising to fill some Engineering Systems positions to work with and design WMD and coordinate military space operations. I looked up WMD and it means WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. I’m writing for STARK ENTERPRISES!

That was a bit intimidating. But much cooler than undercover brothels.

And right now I’m supposed to be writing for another used car dealership. Ho Hum.
On the plus side, I officially have only one month (count ‘em, four weeks) left of this pregnancy and then I can take six weeks of maternity leave! Yay! I know I’ll be rather busy and that it won’t exactly be a vacation, but hey, I’ll be able to MOVE again! And I won’t write a webpage for a single used car dealership! This sounds pretty appealing to me right now.


Kaitlin Heckert said...

Oh geez Charles, those are some interesting web pages you write. But your baby shower is tomorrow!! Don't forget that you have committed to a blog jam packed with pictures!
P.s. I sang a very merry unbirthday to your baby yesterday.

irishkaren said...

Woohoo you are on the count down,as tiring and draining as motherhood can be in the newborn stage, anything beats having a heavy pregnant body to drag around the place. I'm so excited to hear about the arrival of your little girl.