Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Of Wishes

*We've had colds at our house.

Bad ones.

The kind that keep babies up ALL night coughing and crying and smearing yicky noses all over the mommies that stay up all night with them.

But that's not what I want to write about. That's just the back story so you can understand why my three-year-old has been watching movies nonstop for the last three days instead of getting out and enjoying New York City at Christmas. Movies like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, the Disney Christmas Special and Aladdin. (Incidentally, Donner from the Rudolph movie, is pretty much the worst father on film who doesn't actually beat his kid.)

So while a bleary-eyed, sleep deprived Amelia was watching Aladdin this morning I started reflecting on what I would wish for if I had a genie who would grant three wishes. (You all know you play this game too from time to time.)

I started out with some pretty big wishes; things like perfect health for myself and my family (inspired by the above mentioned colds) a successful bakery business for Pete; having my pre-baby body back; some extra square footage and another closet in my apartment; you know, that type of thing.  These are the thoughts that were going through my head as I was folding laundry when I heard a high pitched wail from my bedroom. And I had a realization.

What I want more than anything else right now is for Amelia to leave Georgia alone when she finally manages to fall asleep in her bed rather than lying in my arms. That would be my Christmas wish.

*This is an old blog entry from Christmastime that that never got posted. Both babies are well now and Pete is the one keeping me up at night coughing, but I figured I'd throw it up here anyway.

1 comment:

The Broderick Family Blog said...

Im sorry you have been sick and had suck kids!!! No fun at all! I really enjoyed reading all of your updates. I laughed really hard when I read about the ice skating trip and how she would have to practice for hours. :)
I hope you all start feeling better soon!