I'm seriously considering hyponobirthing/waterbirth this time around.
I know. I seem more like the type to schedule an induction (a week early) and demand the drugs at the first sign of labor-related discomfort. That's pretty much what I did with my first child.
Although the birth experience itself last time went okay (really, I had nothing to compare it to other than the horror stories I had heard of 75 hour labors and emergency c-sections, and my birth was nothing like that) I had a really hard time coming home.
A really hard time.
I felt emotionally numb and physically shattered for three or four days after my baby was born, and when I finally started feeling something at all, I cried for about two weeks straight.
Part of my emotional wreckage postpartum may have been due to the fact that I was alone. Pete of course had to go back to work and school after a couple of days, and my mother, who had taken time off work to be with me, promptly developed appendicitis and spent her leave time in the hospital recovering from an appendectomy.
Part of the problem may have been the fact that it was gloomy winter and I was stuck in a basement apartment with very little natural light and unable to get out much for exercise.
Regardless of what the problem was I did not, as such, transition well into motherhood.
I want this next experience to be different.
Very different.
Which is why I'm looking into different birthing options in the hopes that a more conscientious birth will lead to a smoother postpartum and bonding experience. I'm already established with a midwife instead of an OB/GYN and I think I've decided on a birthing center instead of a hospital birth--which means a natural, drug free birth rather than having the practically irresistible option of an epidural only feet away.
Of course, choosing a natural birth means looking into alternative pain management options, and thus far, hypnobirthing and waterbirth are the most appealing to me. I know for certain I at least want to labor in water, that sounds much more relaxing than being strapped flat on my back being held down by beeping monitors and IV tubes.
Also, I'd like to try prenatal yoga.
Anyone have any experience with prenatal yoga? I found a place in Mapleton that sounds pretty good, but I'd rather not travel that far if I don't have to.
Please share your (educated) thoughts and experiences. With the added challenge of moving to NYC and being far from home and family, I really need this birth and newborn phase to go as smoothly as possible, and I'm trying to plan for the best experience I can early on to facilitate that goal.
Wow. I'll be curious as to how that goes. :) (Sorry, I've got nothin' in the way of hippie-birthing advice.) The only thing I can say is that the second time around goes so much better than the first. Mostly because you're not transitioning to motherhood...you're already there. You're not freaking out about every little thing, because you already have a clue. You don't come out of it completely unscathed, though, since that whole hormonal shift thing...well, you can't escape it. But if the birthing experience makes a difference in the transition, that might be nice. I admire the approach of enjoying the experience. I'm more of a let's-suck-it-up-and-get-this-over-with kind of person, from day 1 of pregnancy through week eight of a newborn. :) Good luck!
Congrats on having another one on the way! :)
As far as birthing experiences, I've usually gone the standard, medicated way. But I will say that when I was having horrible back labor with my first baby, standing in a hot shower was extremely helpful. So I imagine water birthing might be nice.
Good luck!! When is your baby due?
Charles. We need to talk. I am concerned.
P.S. If you do become a pregnant yoga master, please take pictures. I want this documented. And I'm sure dad will put them in the next family video with glee!
I did pregnancy yoga and a variety of phsio type classes. I found they really helped me throughout the pregnancy as well as the 3 day...almost 4 day...labour. It helped ease anything that might become a problem rather than when it is a problem.
I tried labouring in the bath then the pool and too be honest, i was more frustrated because i was wet ha ha. IT didnt stay warm for long and so got uncomfortable. However, my friends who had their babies at home purchased their own pool and they said that they added hot water as and when they wanted which made it much more relaxing. (that more difficult to do in hospital here as they monitor heat and the midwives have to do everything including running taps ha ha).
I was lucky that in the end, even though i had an epidural (after2.5 days) i was still able to move around and just carried the bag of drugs with me. MAde it feel a little more humane.
I totally understand the low feeling and i think the fact that you have made the decision NOT to be like that next time will go a long long way! Its definatly partly mental attitude i think. I stayed in for 5 days due to complications which meant David only had 2 days at home with me. I bawled my eyes out when he went to work and when he came back i pretended nothing was wrong so that i didnt feel silly. Joshua was winter babe too and its so hard getting out and about. Totally understand your need for a change especially when youll not know many poeple. Tell people how you felt last time though so that they can be prepared to help...becasue if it happens again you wont feel in the mood to tell them then!
Sorry...lots of waffle!
i know everyone who has done natural childbirth- in a birthing facility, and not a hospital, has loved it! i think someday i would try it- someday. But i think it sounds awesome for you- everyone says they have a much smoother recovery, etc... I would say just do whatever you and pete are comfortable with! Lucy had a low heart-rate, and i almost had to have a c-section, so the thought of not being at a hospital makes me a little nervous, but if I ever was to go natural- the birthing center sounds way better than the hospital. Good Luck! and I think prenatal yoga sounds awesome- i was going to to do it this time around, but never got around to it. I'm sure it would make you feel great though.
OF COURSE it is possible to be a bombshell and a hippie at the same time. I've been doing it my whole life! Gosh!
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